HTML Lesson 1 & 2

Last week I started learning HTML on Code Academy. So far I’ve gotten through 1.5 lessons and I am really enjoying it. Code Academy has an amazing interface and their lesson layout for HTML is great because your screen is split into 3 different parts: notes and exercises, code, and your website. As you go through the lesson you practice by coding a website. Code Academy already has a layout and content ready for you, and they tell you what to do step by step.

A screenshot of Code Academy Interface

Some of the tags I learned so far:

<!DOCTYPE html> should always be the first line of code in your HTML files. This lets the browser know what version of HTML to expect.

<html> – makes everything compile right




<h1> – the biggest heading


<div id=”media”>

<h2> – the second biggest heading

<p> – paragraph

<em> – italicise

<strong> – bold

<br> – line break

<a href=”./aboutme.html”>About Me</a> – a link with a relative path (relative to where you currently are)

<a href=”” target=”_blank”>Learn More About Brown Bears</a>

You can hover over the highlighted text below to find out what it means


And this is what it looks like in html:

<span title="This means that the page will open in a new window"> <p><mark> target="_blank"</mark></p></span> 

<ul> – unordered list

<ol> – ordered list

<li> – an item in a list, has to be right inside of <ol> or <ul>

<img src=””/>

<video src=”″ height=”240″ width=”320″ controls>Video not supported</video>

<!– This is how to make comments –>

<a href=”#habitat”>Habitat</a> – links to the habitat section that is marked by a <div> tag like this:
<div id=”habitat”>


3 responses to “HTML Lesson 1 & 2”

  1. I haven’t used Code Academy before but it definitely looks like a great resource for learning (especially the ability to try things).

    Nice use of title text! You now know that text that appears when hovering on words (mouse over text) is not actually “alt text” as it is often referred to, but is “title text”. I love to be a killjoy about that one haha.

    Not sure if you’ve got to the point where you talk about the alt attribute and other accessibility things, but well written HTML is something that helps people who use screen reader easily navigate a page and understand what is going on. I’ll be curious to know how Code Academy talks about that stuff.

    1. I actually learned how to do mouse-over text by myself, it wasn’t part of the Code Academy. When I was writing this post, I just thought it would be cool to mouse over some part of the code to see what that specific part means, so I called upon Google to help me. I haven’t seen Code Academy talk about accessibility much yet, but it’s something I have been studying on my own separately. I have been practicing using aria-label for the psychology department website. But I’m still very confused between different types and how they affect the experience of people with different disabilities.

      1. wow, admin, that’s fascinating!

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